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Shared Resources

Providing Expert Support for Specialized Research

image of spiraled single cell construct

Our Shared Resources provides state-of-the-art services and technologies that deliver empowering and cost-effective support to our clinical, population and basic science investigators. Get the latest news about our resources.

Access Shared Resources’ Specialized Services. Contact information is included in each of the areas of expertise.

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Cancer Data Science [CDS]
CDS provides assistance to Rogel Cancer Center investigators in all quantitative aspects of cancer research. Visit webpage.

Director: Veera Baladandayuthapani, Ph.D.
Assistant Co-Director for Bioinformatics and Laboratory Sciences: Gen Li, Ph.D.
Assistant Co-Director for Population and Clinical Sciences: Menggang Yu, Ph.D.

Program Manager: Erik Roys, M.S.
Assistant: Lauren Detzler
Location: Washington Heights, M2030-26 SPH II
Phone: 734-936-0458

Cell and Tissue Imaging [CTI] (aka: BRCF Microscopy)
CTI is a centralized operation including more than 3,000 square feet focusing mainly on studies of cell and tissue morphology and ultrastructure. Visit webpage.

Managing Director: Jennifer Peters, Ph.D.
Facility Director: Gary Luker, M.D.
Locations: BSRB A830 | Med Sci II Rm 5631 | NCRC B20-53S
Phone: 734-936-4912

Epigenetics and Epigenomics [EE] (developing)
EE provides expertise & services for analysis of gene regulation for genome-wide (epigenomics) & locus-specific (epigenetics) studies in tumors and cancer tissues for DNA & histone modifications and chromatin accessibility/conformation. Visit the webpage.

Faculty Director: Dana Dolinoy, Ph.D.
Managing Director: Claudia Lalancette, Ph.D.
Phone: 734-764-2223
Location: MSRB 2, Room C568

Experimental Irradiation [EI]
EI provides extensive irradiation services to support research studies. Visit webpage.

Director: Meredith Morgan, Ph.D.
Manager: David Karnak, Ph.D.
Locations: 4310 Med Sci I, 3504E ARF Med Sci I, D714 BSRB, B026-G11N NCRC

Flow Cytometry [FLOW]
The FLOW provides support for clinical and basic science research investigators at Rogel, well as surrounding biotech institutions using state-of-the-art flow cytometry analysis and cell sorting. View the webpage.

Director: Thomas Moore, Ph.D.
Manager: David Adams, MsEd
Locations: C574 MSRB II | BSRB A701 | NCRC Bldg 20, 134D
Phone: 734-647-3216

Health Communications [HC]
HC provides communications services for research studies requiring targeted and tailored interventions that inform health decisions. View the web page

Director: Lawrence An, M.D.
Manager: Elizabeth Hershey
Location: NCRC, Bldg 16, Ground Floor
Phone: 734-763-6099

Immune Monitoring [IM]
IM provides immunologic and biological support for ongoing research projects and clinical trials at Rogel Cancer Center and the biomedical community at the University of Michigan. View the webpage.

Co-Directors: Fei Wen, Ph.D.
Maria Castro, Ph.D.

Manager, Immune Monitoring: Joel Whitfield
Manager, CyTOF: Trang Hoang

Locations: 4725 Med Sci 2 (Immune Assays); NCRC B028-G019E (CyTOF)

Liquid Biopsy [LB] (developing)
LB provides state-of-the-art engineering solutions and platforms to analyze liquid biopsies, including cell-free nucleic acid, circulating tumor cells, immune cells, and extracellular vesicles. View the webpage

Directors: Sunitha Nagrath, Ph.D.
Simpa Salami, M.D.
Aaron Udager, M.D., Ph.D.

Pharmacokinetics [PK]
PK facilitates both preclinical and clinical pharmacokinetic-based cancer research efforts through a range of services. View the webpage.

Director: Duxin Sun, Ph.D.
Co-Director: Amit Pai, PharmD.

Manager: Bo Wen
Location: NCRC, Bldg 520, 3400M
Phone: 734-615-3470

Preclinical Molecular Imaging [PMI]
PMI uses the latest imaging instruments, in a state-of-the-art facility, for expert computational analysis. Visit the webpage.

Director: Brian Ross, Ph.D.
Manager: Amanda Fair
Phone: 734-615-3009

Proteomics Resource Facility [PRF]
Mass spectrometry-based PRF assists researchers in designing proteomic experiment, maintain state-of-the-art instrumentation, provide technical expertise and bioinformatic support during both discovery and validation phases of proteomic experiments. View the webpage.

Director: Alexey Nesvizhskii, Ph.D.
Manager: Venkatesha Basrur, Ph.D.
Location: Rm 3554/3556, MSRB
Phone: 734-615-5722

Single Cell Spatial Analysis [SCSA]
SCA provides expertise to basic and clinical sciences research investigators at Rogel Cancer Center and surrounding institutions. View the webpage.

Co-Directors: Evan T. Keller, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Thomas Wilson, M.D., Ph.D.
Managing Director: Olivia Koues, Ph.D.
Location: NCRC, Bldg 20, 334W-D
Email: [email protected]

Structure and Drug Screening [SDS]
SDS supports and enhances cancer research projects through collaborative efforts. View the webpage.

Co-directors: Andrew Alt, Ph.D., Center for Chemical Genomics
Janet Smith, Ph.D., Center for Structural Biology
Manager: Jeanne Stuckey, Ph.D., Center for Structural Biology
Locations: Life Sciences Institute, 210 Washtenaw, Room 3358; College of Pharmacy, 4562 CC Little, 428 Church St.
Phone: 734-647-8098

Tissue and Molecular Pathology [TMP]
TMP consists of three distinct, yet complementary services relating to the procurement and evaluation of tissue for research: Tissue Procurement, Histology, and Molecular Pathology. View the webpage.

Co-Directors: Thomas Giordano, M.D., Ph.D.
Steven Hrycaj, Ph.D.
Managing Director: Dafydd Thomas, M.D., Ph.D.
General questions: Thomas Giordano, Ph.D.
Phone: 734-647-3261

Transgenic Animal Models [TAM]
TAM provides complex technology solutions. Working in collaboration with the Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Recombineering Core, we provide effective tools for successful research. View the webpage.

Director: Zachary Freeman, D.V.M, Ph.D.
Location: 2570 MSRB II
Phone: 734-647-2910

Important Resources

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Service Spotlight

Cell and Tissue Imaging Shared Resource (CTI-SR)

The Cell and Tissue Imaging Shared Resource (CTI-SR), also known as the BRCF Microscopy Core, has provided consistent support for Rogel members seeking access to cutting-edge light and electron microscopy equipment and expertise. CTI-SR operates 15 high-end imaging systems across three campus locations (BSRB, Med Sci II, NCRC) providing convenient access to our researchers.

The SR recently announced the addition of Gary Luker, M.D. as Faculty Director effective July 1, 2024. He joins Managing Director, Jennifer Peters, Ph.D., as part of the leadership team. Together, they seek to add new instrumentation, technical expertise, services, and educational opportunities to increase the number of investigators integrating imaging and image analysis into their research. Dr. Luker’s experience and expertise utilizing model systems for cancer biology and molecular imaging will undoubtedly benefit Rogel members who use advanced imaging tools in their cancer investigations.

In August, Dr. Luker and Dr. Peters hosted an Open House of the newly renovated NCRC facility (pictured). Users were able to tour the location and learn about available Nikon technologies including the W1-SoRa, an inverted spinning disk confocal system for imaging of live samples and the A1si inverted confocal microscope with a spectral detector for imaging dyes with highly overlapping emission profiles.


News and Updates

Flow Cytometry adds Aurora and retires Fortessa

The Flow Cytometry Shared Resource (FLOW-SR) has added a Cytek Aurora CS Spectral Cell Sorter to the NCRC location (B20-134WD). This cell sorter utilizes the same 5-laser optical bench and SpectroFlo software for ease in transferring assays from analyzer to sorter.

The BD Fortessa analyzer in BSRB is being removed from service as of November 1st. The final day to run samples is October 31st. FLOW-SR staff are available to help you transfer assays from the Fortessa to another platform.

Former Transgenic Animal Models director to present at workshop

The NIH Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) invites you to register for an upcoming virtual, free workshop on “Cryopreservation and Other Preservation Approaches for Animal Models.” The workshop will be a series of virtual sessions beginning September 6, 2024, and continuing into 2025.

Thomas Saunders, Ph.D., founding director of the Transgenic Animal Models Shared Resource, will present at Session IV, from 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm, on Wednesday, October 16.

Register for specific sessions or the entire series.

Flow-SR holds lunch & learn

Join Dave Adams, FLOW-SR managing director, as he speaks on the principles of flow cytometry as well as spectral vs. conventional cytometry.

This seminar will be offered on two separate dates:

  • October 21, Noon - 1 p.m., NCRC B300-376
  • November 1, Noon - 1 p.m., Med Sci 2, room 3695, North Lecture Hall

Everyone is welcome, and lunch will be provided so be sure to register.

Pharmacokinetics hosts MALDI imaging applications event

The Pharmacokinetics Shared Resource (PK-SR) is hosting representatives from Bruker Scientific and the University of Michigan to discuss MALDI approaches and their utility in Cancer, Regenerative Medicine, and Drug Discovery & Localization.

This meeting will be held on:
November 12, 9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
NCRC B520, Room 1122

Additional information and registration here.


Meet the Expert: Biostatistics

Allison Furgal, Ph.D.
Statistician Senior, Biostatistics Department

What is your area of expertise?
Longitudinal and survival data analysis, joint models, multistate data.

What types of analyses do you run most frequently?
Logistic regression, factor analysis, mixed models.

What do you like best about working in the SR?
Collaborating with talented researchers and clinicians from diverse backgrounds allows me to gain new insights and approaches to solving problems in cancer data analysis.

What is your favorite place in Ann Arbor?
The Arb.

What's your greatest accomplishment at the CDS-SR?
Learning about and implementing multiple imputation in two longitudinal surveys.

What do you like best about working in the SR?
Working with so many different researchers in different areas of cancer, so I keep learning about both statistics and cancer research.

Genetic Counseling, Testing, and Family Communication after Breast Cancer

Cancer Data Science Shared Resource (CDS-SR) analysts Paul Abrahamse, M.S., and Allison Furgal, Ph.D. were instrumental members of the multidisciplinary team spearheading a recent publication in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Read the full manuscript: Genetic Counseling, Testing, and Family Communication Into Survivorship After Diagnosis of Breast Cancer.

See also:

Keep up-to-date on Shared Resources: Read the Instrumental

Contact Shared Resources for More Information

If you have questions about Shared Resources services at the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center, please contact us for more information. Fill out our feedback form and help us improve our services!

Associate Director: Evan Keller, DVM, Ph.D.

Assistant Director: Sethu Pitchiaya, Ph.D.

Research Administrator: Kimberly Zuhlke

Location: 6216 Rogel Cancer Center
Phone: 734-647-7222


Shared Resources Training Seminar Series is on hiatus

This series is designed for all Rogel members, with a specific emphasis on trainees and postdocs within member labs.

Presentations will focus on development of methodologies, new techniques, data interpretation, sample procurement, quality control, etc. Speakers may consist of expert staff from within our SRs or field application specialists from industry partners. The series is a collaboration between the Rogel Cancer Center Shared Resource and Training, Education, and Career Development (TrEC) teams.

Watch past seminars on Dropbox!

SDS-SR: Make it one of your first stops on the road to developing a new cancer therapeutic
Rogel Structure and Drug Screening Shared Resource, Jeanne Stuckey, Ph.D. presented on June 9, 2022

Positron emission tomography: molecular imaging in the age of personalized medicine
Preclinical Molecular Imaging Shared Resource, Peter J.H. Scott, Ph.D. presented on April 7, 2022

Multiplex immunofluorescence and whole slide imaging: understanding complex phenotypes and microenvironments through multispectral analysis
Tissue and Molecular Pathology, Paul Harms, M.D., Ph.D., co-director
Presented by Timothy Frankel, M.D. on March 3, 2022.

The ins and outs of PK-PD.
Presented by Amit Pai, PharmD. on February 3, 2022

The BRCF Microscopy Core: Current Technologies and Future Plans
BRCF Microscopy
Presented by Jennifer Peters, Ph.D. on December 2

Design and analysis of quantitative proteomics experiments
Proteomics Resource Facility
Presented by Felipe da Veiga Leprevost, Ph.D. and Sarah Haynes, Ph.D. on November 4

Introduction to CyTOF: 40-parameter analysis of single cells and tissue sections
Immune Monitoring Shared Resource
Presented by Luke Bugada on October 7, 2021