Education and Training
Fellows, postdocs and trainees are critical to the success of the Rogel Cancer Center’s research programs.

Our trainees include undergraduate, graduate, and medical students as well as post-doctoral and clinical fellows. They work with the faculty who are Core Members of the Rogel Cancer Center, spanning the areas of basic science, clinical research, and population studies.
Rogel TrEC M4 & Graduate Student Scholarships: Now Accepting Applications
In keeping with Richard and Susan Rogel’s passion for supporting the next generation of physician researchers, we are pleased to announce the launch of the 2024 TrEC M4 Student Scholarship & TrEC Graduate Student Scholarship competitions! The deadline to apply is March 17, 2024.
M4 Competition
Three $50,000 scholarships will recognize outstanding senior medical students who have demonstrated a commitment to advancing cancer research. Students can self-nominate. Learn more and apply.
Graduate Student Competition
These $25,000 scholarships will recognize outstanding graduate students who have achieved candidacy in their Ph.D. program. These awards will be made to the student’s research mentor, and must be used to offset the student’s stipend and tuition during their tenure as a Rogel Scholarship awardee. New this year, $2,500 from each scholarship will be allocated for travel funds for the awardee to attend a conference that aligns with their research and career goals. Learn more and apply.
Upcoming MORE Workshops: 02.02.23 I 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
The Getting Your Mentoring Relationship Off to a Good Start workshop helps enhance the mentoring relationship between the student and faculty mentor by facilitating the development of shared expectations. Mentors and mentees work independently in separate sessions to identify their own objectives and styles and consider strategies for dealing with possible challenges. Then, student/faculty pairs work together to develop a written mentoring plan as a means of codifying some of the most important elements (needs, goals, mutual expectations) of a two-way mentoring relationship.
Over 82% of Rackham doctoral students who have written mentoring plans report those plans to be useful.
- Part I: 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Faculty only and student only sessions
- Part II: 12:10 - 1 p.m. Faculty and student joint session
- Part III: 1-2 p.m. Optional additional one-on-one time
Registration required of BOTH faculty and students for each pair/group to attend.
CaRSIP applications now open—Call for applicants, reviewers, and mentors
The Cancer Research Summer Internship Program (CaRSIP) is a 10-week summer program that supports undergraduate students interested in cancer research. Selected students are matched with an appropriate U-M faculty member and work directly in a lab setting. Any student currently enrolled at any degree-granting university or college is eligible to apply for this opportunity. Undergraduates should be rising juniors or seniors in summer 2024 and not scheduled to graduate before December 2024.
Deadline for student submission is January 25.
We are seeking faculty reviewers and mentors for this program. If you would be interested in reviewing applications and/or mentoring a student over the summer please email [email protected] with your interest. Reviews will take place at the end of February.
Program runs May 22 - July 31. APPLY HERE
New NCI Career Development Mechanism (K01) for research within the mission of DCCPS
From the NIH/NCI:
We've heard your feedback on the impact of retiring the K07 mechanism for early career scientists in cancer control and population sciences. We're excited to announce three new notices in partnership with the Center for Cancer Training and the Division of Cancer Prevention. These notices provide opportunities for Mentored Research Scientist Development Awards (K01).
Check out the details in the NIH Guide:
- NCI’s Participation in NIH Mentored Research Scientist Development Awards (Parent K01): Find out more.
- Notice of Special Interest: NCI Supports K01 Applications within the Mission of the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences: Find out more
- Notice of Special Interest: NCI Supports K01 Applications within the Mission of the Division of Cancer Prevention: Find out more
Contacts for these K01 applications related to cancer prevention and control:
- CCT Sergey Radaev: [email protected]
- DCCPS April Oh: [email protected]
Are you a registered trainee at the Rogel Cancer Center?
All Registered Rogel Cancer Center trainees (undergrads, graduate students, medical students, Ph.D. students, and fellows) receive priority access to our scholarships, funding, and training opportunities.Register today!.
Are you a student, trainee, or mentor?
Get more information about educational opportunities.