Susan Brown

"I want everybody to be proud and everybody to feel welcomed to be a friend of the University of Michigan."
Susan Brown and her husband, Bob, are both graduates of the University of Michigan and have been leading U-M fundraising campaigns for more than three decades. The Browns served on the Campaign Steering Committee for the most recent campaign, Victors for Michigan, which raised more than $5 billion to prepare tomorrow’s leaders and address the complex problems facing our world.
Susan received her bachelor’s degree from U-M’s College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. She serves as a member of the U-M Museum of Art’s National Advisory Board and the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy’s Advisory Board.
The Browns have four children, two of whom are also U-M alumni: Frederick (AB ’90, MPP ’96), Catherine (AB ’98), Robert Jr., and Andrew.
In 2009, the Browns were presented with the David B. Hermelin Award for Fundraising Volunteer Leadership for their tireless support of the U-M.
Personally, and through the Monroe-Brown Foundation, the Browns have worked closely with U-M deans, directors and presidents in support of many colleges, schools and units, including the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy; William L. Clements Library; Hill Auditorium; School of Music, Theatre & Dance; the Museum of Art; the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts; the College of Engineering; the Stephen M. Ross School of Business; Athletics; the Medical School; and Michigan Medicine.
“We’re getting people in Kalamazoo and the western part of the state involved, and spreading the word,” Susan says. “Bob and I have enjoyed having dinners here and being advocates, and appealing to not just graduates, but friends of the university. I want everybody to be proud and everybody to feel welcomed to be a friend of the University of Michigan.”