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The Cancer Center in Community

While you may already be familiar with the life-saving work within the walls of the Rogel Cancer Center, you may not be aware of our active presence in the community. Through our Community Outreach Program, faculty, staff and volunteers share the latest information and answer questions about cancer and what can be done to prevent it.

The risk of developing some of the most common cancers -- including breast, cervical, colorectal, liver, lung, oral, prostate, skin and testicular cancers -- can be greatly reduced by detecting them early, as well as adopting healthy habits. These same healthy habits can help survivors or those going through treatment achieve their best outcomes.

The Community Outreach Program spreads the word about cancer prevention at events scheduled throughout the year. Many focus on connecting with minority or underserved populations including people of African, Latino and Asian ancestry. Not only do these groups face greater risk of developing certain cancers, they are also far less likely to receive targeted information about cancer prevention and treatment.

Here's a look at our community outreach calendar for the rest of 2015. All events are free and open to the public.

Want to encourage others to learn more about cancer risk and living healthy?

We make it easy for anyone to become a cancer advocate. The Rogel Cancer Center's Speaker's Bureau provides experts who speak at area businesses, schools, houses of worship and civic organizations. We also supply educational and promotional materials to distribute at health fairs, meetings, conferences and events -- all at no cost. Call 734-998-7071 to find out more.
  • Hats and High Tea for Breast Cancer Awareness
    This fun, educational program includes an update on breast cancer screening and diagnosis and a fashion show. Models wear hats and guests are encouraged to as well. The event is co-hosted with the Ann Arbor Chapter of The Links Inc., a nationwide organization for women of African ancestry.

  • Men's Fellowship Breakfast
    Held three times each year since 2008, this popular event gives men the chance to hear about the latest in cancer screening and prevention, as well as tips on nutrition, exercise, weight control and more.

  • Focus on Women Event
    The popularity of the Men's Fellowship Breakfast led area women to request a similar platform to discuss their cancer-related issues. Expert speakers, a light lunch and plenty of conversation are always included.

  • Get Healthy Together
    A lively forum for both men and women designed to demystify the latest media controversies surrounding breast and prostate cancer screening.

Get more information about Rogel Cancer Center Community Outreach Program

Continue reading the Fall, 2015 issue of Thrive.

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Thrive Issue: 
Fall, 2015