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Diagnosis and treatment of lymphoma at the Rogel Cancer Center is team-based. Our team focuses on providing the best possible care. In addition, we are also focused on research, so our patients have the opportunity to be among the first to take advantage of new and advanced forms of treatment. Contact us at 734-647-8902.

In this section

Lymphoma Appointments

Patients: Please call 734-647-8902 (Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm EST).

Healthcare professionals: Please call our M-Line service: 800-962-3555.

If you are seeking information about pediatric or childhood lymphoma, please visit the Pediatric Lymphoma web page, part of the C.S. Mott Children's Hospital website.

Scheduling Appointments Online

If you have signed up for an account on the MyUofMHealth patient portal, you can manage and request appointments with your U-M physician online. Under the “Appointments” tab on, you can view upcoming or past appointments, cancel appointments up to 24 hours before your scheduled time, and request a new appointment.

Visit MyUofMHealth to register for or log into the patient portal.

Helpful Resources

This can be an anxious time. The following links are to programs which may be able to help:


The nurses at Cancer AnswerLine™ have answers. Call 800-865-1125 and you'll get a personal response from one of our registered nurses, who have years of experience in caring for people with cancer.

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