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Lymphoma Team Members

Your lymphoma team at the University of Michigan includes a dedicated and collaborative group of physicians, advanced practice providers (nurse practitioners/physician assistants), nurses, and pharmacists with specialized expertise in the care and management of patients with lymphoma. For many patients, a local oncologist is also a critically important member of their lymphoma team, and we look forward to partnering with your local oncologist. For many common lymphomas, standard treatments may be immediately available in your community under the direction of your local oncologist. If so, we look forward to working with your local oncologist on your behalf. In contrast, for other lymphomas, new or investigational therapies not available locally may be in your best interest, and we look forward to exploring those options together, whenever appropriate.

Hematology Faculty

Erica Campagnaro, M.D.

Erica Campagnaro, M.D.

Shannon Carty, M.D.

Shannon Carty, M.D.

Yasmin H. Karimi, M.D.

Yasmin H. Karimi, M.D.

Sami Malek, M.D.

Sami Malek, M.D.

Dahlia Sano, MBCHB

Dahlia Sano, MBCHB

Jonathan Weiss, MD

Jonathan Weiss, M.D.

Ryan Wilcox, M.D.

Ryan Wilcox, M.D., Ph.D.

Radiation Oncology Faculty

Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants

Kyle Cuneo , M.D.

Kyle Cuneo, M.D.

Theodore Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D.

Theodore Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D.



Dermatology Faculty

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Trilokraj Tejasvi, MBBS

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Kathryn Jacobi, N.P.

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Tera Mayer, N.P.

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Michelle (Shelly) Munch, N.P.