Fall, 2022
After being diagnosed with prostate cancer, Scott Ward learned it had spread and was stage 4, advanced cancer. He shares how this devastating news impacted how he views life and how he's worked to create a legacy for his son.
When Lori Robertson learned about her rare bile duct cancer had not only returned several years after undergoing surgery but had also spread to the lining of her abdomen, she was shocked. Her doctor offered her the chance to enroll in a phase 1 clinical trial, an early-stage research study that investigates the ideal dose for a potential new drug.
The team of providers has an “amazing toolbox” of different options to assist with pain management, medication tweaks, emotional support and more.
Rogel Cancer Center chaplains are trained to provide care for patients and their families through an interfaith lens, which allows them to help people of any spiritual persuasion.
All of us find hope and strength from the words of others -- so we've compiled words of hope and advice from patients who have been diagnosed with or treated for advanced cancer at Rogel Cancer Center.