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Rogel Inspires

Share what inspires you!

Art Therapy Inspires Me
Share what inspires you with other!

#RogelInspires is a social media series that gives patients, doctors, researchers, nurses, family members and anyone involved with the Rogel Cancer Center a chance to share what inspires them to stay positive in their daily activities. This positivity then bounces back to those swiping through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

If you wish to participate and would like to be featured on the Rogel Cancer Center Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, please complete the following steps:

    1. Print out the PDF: #RogelInspires

    2. Complete the sentence “(Blank) Inspires Me.” Please write your response in the blank space above the words “…inspires me.” There is no specific sentence length nor requirements. Submit whatever is inspirational to you! Examples of completed sentences include:

      a. Music therapy inspires me
      b. My mom’s positivity inspires me
      c. The loving nurse team inspires me
      d. Patient participation in clinical trials inspires me
      e. My co-workers & their amazing work inspires me
    If you want to share a reason or story behind the inspiration or can’t fit all your thoughts onto the paper, email us more details and we will include them in the post’s caption.

    3. Write the sentence big, legibly and in marker (easy color to read). You’re welcome to draw pictures and be as creative as you want!

    4. Take a picture of yourself holding the paper (see example). Hold the paper out to the camera so the viewer can read its message.

    5. Send this picture (and any additional details for the caption) to [email protected] with the subject line “#RogelInspires.”

    6. Include your name and whether you are a patient, family member or Rogel Cancer Center employee in the email.

      a. If you are a patient, include your diagnosis.
      b. If you are a family member, include the relation to the patient and the patient’s diagnosis.
      c. If you are an employee, include your title, specialty and department.

    7. Forward this information to anyone else you think would like to participate (family members, co-workers, etc.)

If you have any questions, email [email protected].

We are so excited to spotlight your inspirations! Thank you for participating in a project that spreads positivity to everyone.