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Cancer Video On Demand Launches Online Multimedia Library

The University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center has a new way to learn about cancer: an online multimedia library. The video library offers expert information in a user-friendly format on a number of different subjects relating to cancer. Here's a sample of what you'll find in our library.

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What it is: Sperm Banking: Preparing for the Future

Who should watch? Young men or boys facing cancer treatment or their families

What it offers: This series of seven videos explains what sperm banking is and how it works. Cancer treatment may impair fertility, so sperm banking is a good choice for younger men and boys who may want children in the future.

What it is: Music Therapy

Who should watch? People seeking a different approach to coping with cancer

What it offers: This is an audio library of music therapy selections

Continue reading the Fall, 2009 issue of Thrive.

Thrive Issue: 
Fall, 2009