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QR Codes 101

image of a QR code

Unlocking the mysterious black squares

QR Code?

What are those squiggly black squares you keep seeing in magazines, on advertisements and now, even in the U-M Rogel Cancer Center?

They're called QR codes, which stands for Quick Response and, even though they originated in the world of industry, have become a common way for companies -- and even hospitals -- to get information to customers.

A QR code is like a website address except that instead of typing a URL into a web browser, you scan it with your smart phone or tablet to be directed to information on the web.

All you'll need to read the code is an application like QR Reader for iPhone, Android or whatever kind of smart phone or tablet you use. Just search QR code reader in your app store and you'll find free options to download.

What Information?

With your QR code application installed and ready, be prepared to unlock the secrets behind all those squiggly black squares.

Just point and scan one of the five QR codes we've created to help answer your questions and give you access to more resources and support throughout the Rogel Cancer Center. You'll find the codes at displays throughout the center. Don't worry, we're not trying to sell you anything. We're only trying to make your experience as easy as possible.

Read the Spring, 2013 issue of Thrive.



Thrive Issue: 
Spring, 2013