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Multidisciplinary Urologic Oncology Clinic

The U-M Rogel Cancer Center provides safe, compassionate and expert care for those with all types of urologic cancers.


Please call 734-647-8902.
If you would like to refer a patient, please contact our M-LINE service: 800-962-3555.

You can also use our online appointment request form.

Rogel Cancer Center Urologic Oncology Clinic provides coordinated care to patients who have been diagnosed with:

Our patients have their cases discussed not only by our urologic oncologists and surgeons, but also by experts in radiation oncology and pathology. By having everyone involved, a personalized treatment plan is developed. In most cases, this discussion happens the same day as the appointment.

Treatment Options for Urologic Cancers

A number of urologic cancers can be treated with the assistance of the da Vinici® surgical robot - a minimally invasive option that duplicates the standard surgeries but with smaller incisions and greater accuracy for better outcomes. A high percentage of patients are good candidates for these procedures. In addition, our surgical team has expertise in:

  • nerve-sparing prostatectomy for prostate cancer
  • robotic cystectomy and neobladders for bladder cancer
  • retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy for testicular cancer
  • partial nephrectomy and removal of kidney cancers invading the vena cava

For more information about robotic surgery, please visit the Robotic Urologic Surgery on the website.


Since our program is part of the U-M Rogel Cancer Center, our patients have access to Patient Support Services. To fully understand what this means, please take time to visit the Patients Support Services area of this website. We outline the services available to our patients at every point in their care.

Still have questions?

The nurses at Cancer AnswerLine™ have answers. Call 800-865-1125 and you'll get a personal response from one of our registered nurses, who have years of experience in caring for people with cancer.

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