
Sculpture by Judith Hoge
On display November through December, 2022

Artist's Statement
Resilience (noun) -The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties
There have been times during my cancer diagnosis that I have thought "Will I ever be like that?" "Am I resilient?"
I am a potter and I find my answers to these questions in the clay material, as I transform the clay with my hands to reach its final state and form, I am aware that the clay material goes through various changes. It becomes hardened, covered with colored glaze, and placed in the fire of the kiln. At the end of this process, I find myself thinking — this clay transforms and does so without complaint. It reaches its full potential and is resilient.
When I take my ceramic pieces out of the kiln, I imagine the piece saying, "It is what it is, look how beautiful I have become."
Thinking about my pottery in this way reminds me to be resilient during this difficult, tough time. I would like to choose to live life as it presents.
The Voices Art Gallery is located on level B1 of the Rogel Cancer Center Building.
Driving Directions | Floor Maps
The Voices Art Gallery is offered by the Rogel Cancer Center Art Therapy Program and is made possible by gifts to the Helen and Sonya Fund and the Rogel Cancer Center Art Therapy Program. Program supplies are generously supported by the Robert Bruce Dunlap Memorial Fund.
Learn more about how you can make a gift to the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center.