Submitting Art to the Voices Art Gallery
If you would like your artwork to be considered for display in the Voices Art Gallery, please read the following:
So that we have time to prepare for an exhibit we ask that the completed application be submitted to the Gallery Coordinator at least six (6) weeks prior to the exhibit opening date. The Rogel Cancer Center reserves the right of determining the final exhibition schedule.
How many works of art can be submitted?
Artists can submit up to 25 pieces of artwork (space permitting) for individual shows. For group shows, artists’ submissions will vary depending on the number of artists in the exhibit. The Rogel Cancer Center reserves the right to eliminate pieces to allow for the maximum number of exhibitors in the space available.
What type of art can be submitted?
All media are accepted, within the display capacity of the gallery. The Rogel Cancer Center reserves the right to decline art that cannot be conveniently displayed.
You will need to submit jpeg digital photos (not to exceed 2MB) or printed photographs of each artwork and an artist statement.
Art Content Guidelines
All artwork presented for exhibition in the Voices Art Gallery is selected by the Gallery coordinators. Based on the following criteria, as well as the gallery’s mission statement, all exhibitions are designed to be aesthetically accessible to the general public.
The major criteria used in this selection process are as follows:
- The work should be recognizable as a work of art by Rogel Cancer Center’s average customer.
- The work should not display segmented body parts as primary content.
- The work should be engaging and of interest to the Rogel Cancer Center’s average customer.
- Artwork that celebrates life and living is given priority over work that may be more abstract, controversial, or challenging.
- All artwork exhibits must be consistent with the Education, Healing, and Community Service missions of the Rogel Cancer Center.
- All exhibits portraying overt sexual, pornographic, or violent connotations will be rejected.
Exhibitions seeking exception to any of the above listed criteria must be approved on a case by case basis.
*These guidelines are in accordance to Michigan Medicine as designed by Gifts of Art.
How to prepare your art
All two-dimensional art must be mounted/matted, framed and under glass (or plexiglass) and properly wired, ready to hang. The maximum size is 4ft.x 4ft. All three-dimensional artwork must be prepared for standing or resting safely in its intended position. The maximum size is 1ft. x 1ft and the maximum amount is 5 pieces.
The University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center will exercise professional care in handling all artwork but cannot assume liability for loss or damage, however caused, while works are in our possession or in transit.
Contact the Gallery staff at 734-936-9635 to discuss any concerns you have regarding the eligibility of your art for inclusion in a Voices Art Gallery exhibit.
Download and print the following documents:
updated 11.2019