Summer, 2013

Things to do and say to let your friends and loved ones know what you need to face your illness.
Because cancer affects everyone in a family, the U-M Rogel Cancer Center now offers Families Facing Cancer, a program dedicated to helping children of all ages who have a parent or other adult family member diagnosed with the disease. The program is funded through the generosity of donors.
Advisory committee members pave the way for positive care experiences for future patients
Another weapon in the fight against cancer
Guided Imagery engages the senses to cope with cancer
When the U-M Rogel Cancer Center received its formal designation from the National Cancer Institute in fall 1988, cancer affected more than 1.3 million people in the United States annually. It's very important to translate research developments in the labs and into patient care in the clinics.
About 60 percent of patients diagnosed with cancer will receive radiation therapy. Radiation in high doses damages cancer cells by interfering with the cell’s ability to grow and reproduce.