Medical Records
You have a right to your medical record
You may see your medical record at a time suitable for both you and the staff. Once discharged, you may request and obtain a copy of your medical record for a reasonable fee by calling the Release of Information Unit at 734-936-5490.You may also request changes to your protected health information (PHI). You have the right to ask that your information not be given out, by contacting the Release of Information Unit.
The confidentiality, privacy and security of your records, both personal and medical, is our top priority. We may use or disclose PHI without your permission as described in the Michigan Medicine Notice of Privacy Practices, for example to coordinate your care or submit a claim to your insurance company.
You have a variety of rights related to your medical records that are explained in the Michigan Medicine Notice of Privacy Practices. You may obtain a copy of the Notice of Privacy Practices by contacting the Office of Clinical Safety at 877-285-7788.