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Spring, 2010

Art therapy has been shown to reduce pain and anxiety in cancer patients, according to a study in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. The Cancer Center's Art Therapy Program is supported by donations to the Robert Bruce Dunlap Memorial Fund.
For many people, their faith has a major impact not only in how they make decisions about their health care -- it can also determine how that can is provided. U-M's multicultural health initiatives foster understanding to help patients get the care they need.
For many patients, their culture and/or their faith may impact how they interact with the doctor. Faith also can play a big part in how patients make treatment decisions. In this article are resources for patients looking for alternative treatment or a more spiritual approach to their treatment.

In general, the information in this article about sperm banking is accurate: Michigan Medicine does offer fertility protection for men facing cancer treatment. The information about pricing and the cancer survivorship program is out of date.

The information in this article is out of date. The Rogel Cancer Center does not offer a "skills lab" or an "education center." Information about how to do at-home or self-care is now provided within the specific cancer clinic. If you have questions, please talk to your doctor.

Pediatric weight loss program takes multidisciplinary approach. This program is now offered through C.S. Mott Children's Hospital. ALL pediatric oncology services are now offered at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital.