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Ovarian Cancer

Machine learning creates opportunity for personalizeed ovarian cancer therapy

Researchers at the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center have developed a computational platform that can predict new and specific metabolic targets in ovarian cancer, suggesting opportunities to develop personalized therapies for patients that are informed by the genetic makeup of their tumors.

Ovarian Cancer Patients Continue to Receive Aggressive End of Life Care

Although clinical guidelines encourage the use of palliative care during end of life care, they aren't being followed for many ovarian cancer patients, particularly for people of color. Palliative care is particularly relevant for people with ovarian cancer because they’re often diagnosed once their cancer has already progressed to an advanced stage. By that point, survival is unlikely; just 17% of those with stage IV ovarian cancer live for at least five years after diagnosis.

Less is more? Focused genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancers

Homing in on about 20 key genes known to be associated with breast or ovarian cancer is likely to provide patients and their doctors with “news they can use," according to a new study.

Ovarian Cancer Initiative at Michigan Medicine Receives Bequest

The Ovarian Cancer Initiative at Michigan Medicine has received a generous bequest from Beth J. Johnson. It is the culmination of her dedicated efforts and extensive volunteer work for the initiative

The microRNA, miR181a, may help diagnose and treat ovarian cancer

A microRNA that is normally involved in immune cell differentiation helps to initiate and drive the development of the most prevalent and deadly form of ovarian cancer, research led by the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center and Case Western Reserve University has found.

What Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer Survivors Should Know About New Genetic Testing Recommendations

Breast cancer and/or ovarian cancer survivors should be offered genetic counseling and genetic testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic mutations, according to new recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.

Many Ovarian Cancer Patients are Undertested for Genetic Mutations

Fewer than a quarter of breast cancer patients and a third of ovarian cancer patients diagnosed between 2013 and 2014 in two states underwent genetic testing for cancer-associated mutations, according to a study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine and several other organizations.
