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Date: 04/28/2015
In certain types of cancer, nerves and cancer cells enter an often lethal and intricate waltz where cancer cells and nerves move toward one another and eventually engage in such a way that the cancer cells enter the nerves.
Date: 04/15/2015
Media contact: Nicole Fawcett, 734-764-2220 | Patients may contact Cancer AnswerLine™, 800-865-1125
Date: 04/14/2015
Research has identified a gene critical to controlling the body’s ability to create blood cells and immune cells from blood-forming stem cells, a process critical during bone marrow transplant.
Date: 04/13/2015
University of Michigan researchers have discovered a biomarker that may be a potentially important breakthrough in diagnosing and treating prostate cancer.
Date: 04/07/2015
A new study finds that many women diagnosed with breast cancer are concerned about the genetic risk of developing other cancers themselves or of a loved one developing cancer.
Date: 03/31/2015
Patients with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia have limited treatment options, and those that exist are effective only in fewer than half of patients. Now, a new study identifies a panel of genetic markers that predicted which tumor samples would likely respond to treatment.
Date: 03/31/2015
Researchers have developed a new drug candidate that shows potential in laboratory studies against a rare type of acute leukemia. And additional studies suggest the same compound could play a role in prostate cancer treatment as well.
Date: 03/26/2015
The average lifetime risk of ovarian cancer is approximately 1.37 percent in non-Hispanic white women in the United States, but there are women at substantially higher and lower risk, according to the researchers, led by Celeste Leigh Pearce, associate professor of epidemiology.
Date: 03/20/2015
The University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center received a $1.65 million gift from the Hirair and Anna Hovnanian Foundation to fund adrenal cancer research.
Date: 03/17/2015
In a randomized phase 3 trial, adrenal cancer patients receiving the investigational drug linsitinib fared no better than patients receiving a placebo. But the researchers noticed a small subset of patients who had significant response and remained on the drug for an extended time.
