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Members of the Rogel Cancer Center present at ASTRO 2024

Date Visible: 
09/16/2024 - 5:00pm

Media contact: Nicole Fawcett, 734-764-2220 |  Patients may contact Cancer AnswerLine™ 800-865-1125

ASTRO logo with Washington, DC skyline in the background

Photo courtesy ASTRO

The American Society of Radiation Oncology 2024 annual meeting, will be Sept. 29-Oct. 2 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, D.C.

Rogel Cancer Center faculty and trainees will present or moderate more than three dozen sessions and posters. Check out the list of U-M presenters to support your colleagues. Connect with researchers on X (Twitter) using #ASTRO24. Be sure to tag @UMRogelCancer.

Presenter information is sometimes incomplete. If your session is missing, please email the abstract link to [email protected].

Sunday, Sept. 29

2:47-3:02 p.m. Room 202

Systemic Therapy in the Curative Management of Patients with HPV-Positive Oropharyngeal SCC (OPSCC)

Paul Swiecicki, M.D.

3:07-3:17 p.m. Room 140

University of Michigan Radiation Oncology Analytics Resource (MROAR) System: 9 Years Experience with Standardizations Enabling Automated Aggregation and Analysis from Comprehensive Real-World Data

Charles Mayo, Ph.D.

3:45-3:45 p.m. Room 151

Relationship between Cannabis Use and Opioid Use in Patients with Cancer Metastatic to Bone in a Large Multicenter Cohort from a State with Legalized Adult Non-Medical Cannabis

Matthew Cousins, M.D., Ph.D.

4:55-5:05 p.m. Room 207B

155 - Novel Statistical-AI Method to Automate Discovery of Predictive Factors and Thresholds for 3 Year Survival, Dysphagia and Xerostomia for Patients with Head and Neck Cancers

Charles Mayo, Ph.D.

5:02-5:17 p.m. Room 151

Review of Use Case and Early Prospective Trials for Single Cancer Tests to Close Gaps and Reduce Inequities for Recommended Cancer Screening

Caitlin Schonewolf, M.D., M.S.

2:45-4:15 p.m. Hall C Poster: Lung Cancer/Thoracic Malignancies and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Healthcare

2037 - Prospective Evaluation of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Radiation Therapy Treatment Interruptions in a Large Statewide Quality Collaborative

Ameer Elaimy, M.D., Ph.D.

2065 - Characterizing Post-Treatment Cardiac and Pulmonary Hospitalizations in Locally Advanced Lung Cancer: A Statewide Quality Consortium Analysis

Shruti Jolly, M.D., M.B.A.

2101 - Parametric Response Mapping to Predict Pulmonary Toxicity from Thoracic Radiation

Sean Miller, M.D.

4:45-6 p.m. Hall C Posters: Physics

2381 - Application of Standardized Tissue Repair Discount Factors to Guide Spinal Cord Dose in Reirradiation

Josiah Nieto, M.D.

Monday, Sept. 30

8:14-8:26 a.m. Room 150

Radiobiology- and Radiophysics- Based Treatment Strategies to Preserve Sexual Function: Functional Anatomy Sparing Approaches, Altered Fractionation Schedules, and Moderating Androgen Deprivation Therapy

William McLaughlin, M.D.

10:45 a.m.- noon Room 158

ST 01 - Overlooked No More: Managing Provider Wellness after Medical Errors

Elizabeth Covington, Ph.D., moderator

11:05-11:20 a.m. Room 143

Best Practice for the Use of Interventional Radiological Techniques and Approaches in Liver-Directed Therapies for Limited Liver Metastases

Jared Christensen, M.D.

11:07-11:27 a.m. Room 151

HPV ctDNA Kinetics in the Definitive Setting

Michelle Mierzwa, M.D.

11:17-11:32 a.m. Room 209

Does the NCI Cancer Center Support Grant Structure Strengthen or Weaken Radiation Oncology Research and Innovation?

Theodore Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D.

11:35-11:47 a.m. Room 158

Challenges and Future Possibilities for Better Supporting Providers

Elizabeth Covington, Ph.D.

3-4 p.m. Hall C Posters: Breast Cancer and Nonmalignant Disease

2675 - Prospective Evaluation of Acute Toxicity from Tumor Bed Boost Following Whole Breast Radiotherapy

Michael Dykstra, M.D.

Tuesday, Oct. 01

8-8:10 a.m. Room 151

Science Highlight – Head & Neck Cancer

Michelle Mierzwa, M.D., discussant

8:32-8:47 a.m. Room 207

Clinical Implementation of the Special Medical Physics Consult for Reirradiation

Kelly Paradis, Ph.D.

8:50-9 a.m. Room 140

1041 - Progress in Shortening Treatment Courses for Bone Metastases in a Statewide Quality Consortium

Luke Higgins, M.D.

8-9 a.m. Room 152

Phys 9: Imaging for Planning

Daniel Polan, PH.D., moderator

12:45-2 p.m. Room 152

Phys 5: Response Assessment

Yue Cao, Ph.D., moderator

2:32-2:44 p.m. Room 143

Histotripsy - A New Era in Cancer Therapy

Michael Green, M.D., Ph.D.

4:10-4:20 p.m. Room 152

1072 - Sequential 90Y Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT) and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) Using 90Y PET-Based Absorbed Dose Maps: Interim Analysis of a Phase I St

Daniel Polan, Ph.D.

5:45-5:55 p.m. Room 146

331 - Imaging Metrics and HPV ctDNA Kinetics in a Phase II Immuno-Chemoradiation Trial for Locoregionally Advanced p16+ Oropharynx Cancer

Samuel Regan, M.D.


2:30-3:45 p.m. Hall C Posters: Genitourinary Cancer, Patient Safety, and Nursing/Supportive Care

3165 - Evaluating Guideline-Concordant Androgen Deprivation for High-Risk Prostate Cancer in a Statewide Quality Consortium

Michael Dykstra, M.D.

3195 - Androgen Suppression with abiraterone aCetate, LEuprolide, PARP Inhibition and Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (ASCLEPIuS) in High-Risk and Node Positive Prostate Cancer (PCa): Phase I Multicenter Results

William Jackson, M.D.

3240 - Uptake and Positivity Rates of PSMA PET Staging for Newly Diagnosed Prostate Cancer in a National Healthcare System

Sean Miller, M.D.

3264 - Ultra-Short-Course Hormone Therapy for Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer Treated with Definitive Radiotherapy: Retrospective Analysis of a National Healthcare System

Travis Pflederer, M.D.

3264 - Ultra-Short-Course Hormone Therapy for Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer Treated with Definitive Radiotherapy: Retrospective Analysis of a National Healthcare System

Alex Bryant, M.D., M.S.

3270 - Microboost and Dosimetric Variability in Localized Prostate Cancer: Analysis of a Prospective Statewide Quality Collaborative

Samuel Regan, M.D.

3295 - Implications of Rectal Wall Gel Placement in Treatment Delay

Grace Sun, M.D.

4-5 p.m. Hall C Posters: Hematologic Malignancies and Digital Health Innovations

3440 - Current Use and Perspectives of Artificial Intelligence in Radiation Oncology: A Statewide Consortium Survey

Amina Tanweer, B.S.

Wednesday, Oct. 02

8-8:10 a.m. Room 151

Science Highlights – Gastrointestinal Cancer

Daniel Chang, M.D., discussant

10:30-11:45 a.m. Room 145

Phys 7: Best of Physics

James Balter, Ph.D., moderator

12:30-1:30 p.m. Room 144

Phys 13: Clinical Data and Dose Evaluation

Martha Matuszak, Ph.D., moderator

1-1:10 p.m. Room 144

1146 - Deep Learning-Based Dose Prediction for Thoracic Radiation in a Statewide Radiation Oncology Quality Consortium

Daniel Polan, Ph.D.

10:30-11:45 a.m. Hall C Posters: Head & Neck Cancer and Health Services Research/Global Oncology

3640 - Treatment Planning Workflow and Perceptions about Automated Contouring and Treatment Planning in Africa

Michael Dykstra, M.D.

3641 - CT Simulator Downtime in Africa: Survey Results from AORTIC 2023

Michael Dykstra, M.D..

3706 - Time and Financial Toxicity Implications during Consideration of Pembrolizumab Infusion Frequency

Santosh Nori, B.S., M.P.H.