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Oral Cancer

Researchers learn saturated fatty acids promote immune escape of oral cancers

A team from the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center and School of Dentistry, led by Yu Leo Lei, D.D.S., Ph.D., have identified a mechanism in mice for how obesity affects some oral cancers’ ability to escape from the immune system.

Researchers study the connection between density of nerves within a tumor and the tumor's growth

Researchers at the U-M Rogel Cancer Center created a standardized metric for nerve density to clarify the variation in distribution of nerves in the oral cavity, called normalized nerve density, and showed its importance in oral cancer tumor progression.

Rogel Cancer Center joins top cancer centers in call to get cancer-preventing HPV vaccination back on track

National Cancer Institute-designated cancer centers and leading cancer organizations issued a joint statement urging the nation’s physicians, parents and young adults to get back on track with the human papillomavirus, or HPV, vaccination.

How Immune Cells Could Guide Head and Neck Cancer Treatment Decisions

For patients with head and neck cancer, responses to treatment vary. Some do well with a combination of chemotherapy and radiation. Others have better outcomes with surgery. The question for clinicians is how to make the right choice before treatment. New evidence suggests a patient’s immune system may be a deciding factor.