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Breast Cancer

New Technology Separates Aggressive from Non-Aggressive Breast Cancer

When a woman is diagnosed with the earliest stage of breast cancer, how aggressive should her treatment be?

Preserving Fertility During Cancer Treatment

For many young women diagnosed with cancer, concerns about fertility can be so important they influence critical decisions about treatment.

New study explains how very aggressive cancer cells use energy to divide, move

A new study explains how cancer cells use energy to fuel this switch between motion and proliferation. The researchers identified for the first time a connection between a cancer gene that controls motility and how cancer cells metabolize energy to move and divide so quickly.

Media coverage of celebrities with breast cancer may be influencing rise in double mastectomy

An increase in women with breast cancer choosing double mastectomy may be influenced by media coverage of celebrities, a new study finds.

Integrative Oncology and Alternative Medicine

Integrative oncology is the combination of both conventional and complementary treatments that are evidence-based to bring about the best outcome for each patient. That can be for the prevention or treatment of cancer, the treatment of symptoms, and improvement in quality of life during survivorship.

Study suggests many women with early breast cancer receive unnecessary imaging tests

A new study suggests that up to 60 percent of the CT scans, bone scans, and PET scans performed for more than 29,000 Michigan women diagnosed with early breast cancer between 2008 and 2014 could not be medically justified based on retrospective record review.

U-M researcher receives $6.5M grant to target cancer stem cells

Rogel Cancer Center researcher Max S. Wicha has received a $6.5 million Outstanding Investigator Award to study cancer stem cells, the small number of cells within a tumor that fuel its growth and spread.

Why does tamoxifen work better in some women?

New studies add to questions about predicting whether tamoxifen will be effective in an individual breast cancer patient.

Sofia Merajver: Using reasoning to save lives

Dr. Sofía Merajver saved her first life when she was just five years old -- and that experience set her on the path to becoming a physician and a research scientist. en Español
