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Breaking the Habits Beating Us

Taking control of your moods, smoking and drinking habits

According to the American Cancer Society, there is strong evidence that an individual's risk of developing cancer can be substantially reduced by not smoking. For individuals with head and neck cancer, or those who are at risk of developing head and neck cancer, it is also important to avoid using alcohol.

This information was originally designed to offer assistance in dealing with the feelings and behaviors commonly experienced by persons with head and neck cancer. Much of what you'll find here can be applied by anyone struggling with dependence on tobacco or alcohol -- or anyone struggling with depression.

Sections focus on coping with cancer, depression, quitting smoking and refraining from drinking alcohol. Depression is common in people diagnosed with cancer and is associated with smoking and alcohol use. Since depression, smoking, and alcohol use tend to be related, it may be beneficial to address more than one of these issues at a time.


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Sonia Duffy, Ph.D., R.N.; Marcia Valenstein, M.D.; Christine Kowalski, M.P.H.; Shara Kilarski, B.S.; Jeffrey Terrell, M.D.; Lynn Gregory, R.N.; David Ronis, Ph.D.; and Fred Blow, Ph.D.

This work was supported by GlaxoSmithKline through the Managed Care Forum and by the Department of Veterans Affairs IIR-98500.

May not be reproduced without permission.

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